Seminars Cookie seminars
During 2024

Cosmic inflation, an update
Ana Achúcarro
2024 January 09, 15:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

From Hubble to Bubble - gravitational waves from phase transitions after inflation
Andreas Mantziris
2024 January 19, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.03)
>> See details

Deep learning the physics of galaxy formation?
Marc Huertas-Company
2024 February 09, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

A&F Stars as Astrophysical Laboratories
Victoria Antoci
2024 February 16, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Cosmological Conundrums
Jochen Liske
2024 March 07, 14:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Reaching new hights in fundmental cosmology with ANDES
Carlos J. A. P. Martins
2024 March 22, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

The radius valley across spectral types and stellar multiplicity
Julia Venturini
2024 April 05, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

The recently confirmed problem of gas temperature in active galactic nuclei
Luc Binette
2024 April 15, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

MOONS: the next ESO VLT’s multi-object spectrograph
Alexandre Cabral
2024 May 24, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.14)
>> See details

Resolving the interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies at z>3 with the GA-NIFS survey
Bruno Rodríguez Del Pino
2024 June 05, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Exploring solar wind and corona with Parker Solar Probe
Iulia Chifu
2024 June 06, 10:00
IA/U.Coimbra, OGAUC (Meetings room)
>> See details

Relativistic jets from QSOs in the early Universe
Luca Ighina
2024 June 07, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, OAL (Seminar room)
>> See details

Constraining supernova Ia progenitors through their positions relative to host galaxy spiral arms
Arpine G. Karapetyan
2024 June 12, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Milky Way's substellar population
Koraljka Mužic
2024 June 21, 13:30
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Understanding solar atmosphere through high-resolution spectropolarimetry
Ivan Milic
2024 June 28, 13:30
IA/U.Coimbra, OGAUC (Meetings room)
>> See details

Revolutionizing exoplanet science with ANDES at the ELT
Enric Palle
2024 July 05, 13:30
IA, Online (Zoom)
>> See details

An adiabatic approach to the trans-Planckian problem in loop quantum cosmology
Rita B. Neves
2024 July 16, 15:00
IA/U.Lisboa, FCUL (C8.2.06)
>> See details

The co-evolution of massive galaxies and their CGM
YuLing Chang
2024 July 17, 13:30
IA/U.Lisboa, OAL (Seminar room)
>> See details

Rocky planets around M dwarfs: formation, evolution and probability of detection
Mariana Sanchez
2024 July 18, 11:00
IA/U.Porto, CAUP (Auditorium)
>> See details

Number of records during 2024: 19 List all seminars during: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

For additional information contact the organizer of the seminars:
Bruno Barros
José Fonseca
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia