Articles in journals Articles in books and proceedings Scientific communications Books
Articles in books and proceedings
Published during 2008

S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos, G. Israelian, M. Mayor, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro
Spectroscopic parameters for a sample of metal-rich solar-type stars stars
Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
(Eds.)Santos, N. C.; Pasquinil, L.; Correia, A. C. M.; Romaniello, M.
ESO, 22, 319-320
2008 January
>> Abstract

M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro
Asteroseismology across the HR diagram
Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
(Eds.)Santos, N. C. ; Pasquini, L. ; Correia, A. C. M. ; Romaniello, M.
ESO, 22, 155-160
2008 January
>> Abstract

D. Luz, R. Courtin
Measuring Winds in Titan's Atmosphere with High-precision Doppler Velocimetry
Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
(Eds.)Santos, N. C.; Pasquini. L.; Correia, A. C. M.; Romaniello, M.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 215-218
2008 January
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Whelan, P. J. V. Garcia
Spectro-astrometry: The Method, its Limitations, and Applications
Jets from Young Stars II
(Eds.)Bacciotti, F.; Whelan, E.; Testi, L.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 742, 123-149
2008 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Molenda-Żakowicz, A. Frasca, D. W. Latham, M. Jerzykiewicz, M. Bazot
Kepler primary asteroseismic targets - ground-based study
XXI century challenges for stellar evolution
(Eds.)Cassisi, S.; Salaris, M.
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 79, 2, 644-648
2008 April
>> Abstract

M. A. Campbell, C. J. Evans, J. Ascenso, A. J. Longmore, J. Kolb, M. Gieles, J. Alves
Imaging the dense stellar cluster R136 with VLT-MAD
Adaptive Optics Systems
(Eds.)Hubin, N.; Max, C. E.; Wizinowich, P. L.
SPIE, 7015, 70152C_1-7
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

L. Jocou, J.-P. Berger, F. Malbet, P. Kern, U. Beckmann, D. Lorenzetti, L. Corcione, G. Li Causi, D. Buscher, J. Young et al. (including: P. J. V. Garcia)
System overview of the VLTI Spectro-Imager
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller, M.; Danchi, W. C.; Delplancke, F.
SPIE, 7013, 70132Y-701
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. E. Filho, S. Renard, P. J. V. Garcia, G. Duvert, G. Duchene, E. Thiébaut, J. Young, O. Absil, J.-P. Berger, T. Beckert et al.
Phase closure image reconstruction for future VLTI instrumentation
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller, M.; Danchi, W. C.; Delplancke, F.
SPIE, 7013, 70133Z-701
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

F. Malbet, D. Buscher, G. Weigelt, P. J. V. Garcia, M. Gai, D. Lorenzetti, J. Surdej, J. Hron, Ralph Neuhäuser, P. Kern et al. (including: M. E. Filho)
VSI: the VLTI spectro-imager
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller, M.; Danchi W. C.; Delplancke, F.
SPIE, 7013
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. E. Filho, P. J. V. Garcia, G. Duvert, G. Duchene, E. Thiébaut, J. Young, O. Absil, J.-P. Berger, T. Beckert, S. Hoenig et al.
Phase referencing in optical interferometry
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller, M.; Danchi, W. C.; Delplancke, F.
SPIE, 7013
2008 July
>> Abstract>> DOI

P. J. V. Garcia, J.-P. Berger, A. Marconi, A. Krivov, A. Chiavassa, B. Aringer, B. Nisini, D. Defrère, D. Mawet, D. Schertl et al. (including: M. S. Cunha, M. E. Filho, X. Bonfils)
Science case for 1 mas spectro-imagining in the near-infrared
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller M., Danchi W. C., Delplancke F.
SPIE, 7013, 70134N-701
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

A. Ghasempour, D. Alexandre, C. Brites, P. Moreira, F. Reynaud, P. V. S. Marques, A. M. P. Leite, P. J. V. Garcia
Rapid prototyping of integrated sol-gel devices for astronomical interferometry
Optical and Infrared Interferometry
(Eds.)Schöller, M.; Danchi, W. C.; Delplancke, F.
SPIE, 7013, 701317-701
2008 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

B. Silva
Highlights from the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST)
14th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
(Eds.)van Belle, G.
ASP Conference Series, 365, 65
2008 August
>> Abstract>> ADS

M. S. N. Kumar, J. M. C. Grave
Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of High-Mass Protostellar Objects
Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory
(Eds.)Beuther, H.; Linz, H.; Henning, T.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 387, 323
2008 August
>> Abstract>> ADS

M. E. Filho, The VSI Team
Phase closure image reconstruction for infrared interferometry
Memorie della Societá Astronomica Italiana
(Eds.)Bonifacio, P.
Memorie della Societá Astronomica Italiana, 79, 1030-1033
2008 August
>> Abstract>> ADS

S. Schmeja, M. S. N. Kumar, D. Froebrich, R. S. Klessen
Changing Structures in Galactic Star Clusters
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
(Eds.)Corbett, I. F.
Cambridge University Press
2008 October
>> Abstract>> DOI

F. Malbet, J.-P. Berger, P. J. V. Garcia, P. Kern, K. Perraut, M. Benisty, L. Jocou, E. Herwats, J. L. Bouquin, P. R. Labeye et al.
VITRUV - Imaging Close Environments of Stars and Galaxies with the VLTI at Milli-Arcsec Resolution
The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation
(Eds.)Richichi, A.; Delplancke, F.; Paresce, F.; Chelli, A.
Springer, 2008, 357-369
2008 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. L. Bouquin, E. Herwats, M.-I. Carvalho, P. J. V. Garcia, J.-P. Berger, O. Absil
A Numerical Simulator for VITRUV
The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation
(Eds.)Richichi, A.; Delplancke, F.; Paresce, F.; Chelli, A.
Springer, 2008, 579-580
2008 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Tatulli, E. Thiébaut, F. Malbet, P. J. V. Garcia, G. Duvert
Image Reconstruction with VITRUV
The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation
(Eds.)Richichi, A.; Delplancke, F.; Paresce, F.; Chelli, A.
Springer, 2008, 585-587
2008 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

W. J. Chaplin, T. Appourchaux, T. Arentoft, J. Ballot, F. Baudin, M. Bazot, T. R. Bedding, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, O. L. Creevey, V. Duez et al. (including: M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, S. G. Sousa)
AsteroFLAG - from the Sun to the Stars
Proceedings of the Second HELAS International Conference
(Eds.)Gizon, L.; Roth, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 118, 012048.1-0
2008 November
>> Abstract>> DOI

M. Bazot, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, C. W. Straka
Current Issues in Asteroseismology
Proceedings of the Second HELAS International Conference
(Eds.)Gizon, L.; Roth, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 118, 012008.1-0
2008 November
>> Abstract>> DOI

P. Eggenberger, A. Miglio, F. Carrier, J. M. Fernandes, N. C. Santos
Asteroseismic observations and modelling of 70 Ophiuchi AB
Proceedings of the Second HELAS International Conference
(Eds.)Gizon, L.; Roth M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 118, 012053.1-0
2008 November
>> Abstract>> DOI

J. C. Sousa, M. S. Cunha
Towards the understanding of radial velocity pulsation in roAp stars
Proceedings of the Second HELAS International Conference
(Eds.)Gizon, L.; Roth, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 118, 012074
2008 November
>> Abstract>> DOI

M. S. N. Kumar
Dome C observations of massive protostars
2nd ARENA Conference: The Astrophysical Science Cases at Dome C
(Eds.)Zinnecker, H.; Epchtein, N.; Rauer, H.
European Astronomical Society, 33, 193-197
2008 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

H. Hensberge, L. P. Vaz, K.B.V Torres, T. Armond
Spectral Disentangling Applied to Triple Systems: RV Crt
Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram
(Eds.)Hubrig, S.; Petr-Gotzens, M.; Tokovinin, A.
Springer, 14, 47-52
2008 November
>> Abstract>> DOI

M. Bazot, S. Bourguignon, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard
Estimation of stellar parameters using Monte Carlo Markov Chains
Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana
(Eds.)Bonifacio, P.
Società Astronomica Italiana, 79, 660-662
2008 December
>> Abstract>> ADS

B. Barbuy, A. Alves-Brito, S. Ortolani, M. Zoccali, V. Hill, J. Meléndez, M. Asplund, E. Bica, A. Renzini, A. Gómez, D. Minniti
Abundances in the Galactic bulge
A Stellar Journey
A symposium in celebration of Bengt Gustafsson's 65th birthday
(Eds.)Barklem, P. S.; Korn, A. J.; Plez, B.
IOP Publishing, T133, 014032
2008 December
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

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