Articles in journals Articles in books and proceedings Scientific communications Books
Articles in journals
Published during 2009

T. C. Teixeira, H. Kjeldsen, T. R. Bedding, F. Bouchy, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. S. Cunha, T. Dall, S. Frandsen, C. Karoff, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, F. P. Pijpers
Solar-like oscillations in the G8 V star τ Ceti
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 494, 1, 237-242
2009 January
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

V. Agra-Amboage, C. Dougados, S. Cabrit, P. J. V. Garcia, P. Ferruit
[O I] sub-arcsecond study of a microjet from an intermediate mass young star: RY Tauri
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 493, 3, 1029-1041
2009 January
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

N. C. Santos, C. Lovis, G. Pace, J. Meléndez, D. Naef
Metallicities for 13 nearby open clusters from high-resolution spectroscopy of dwarf and giant stars
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 493, 309-316
2009 January
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

T. Forveille, X. Bonfils, X. Delfosse, M. Gillon, S. Udry, F. Bouchy, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, F. Pepe, C. Perrier et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets - XIV. Gl 176b, a super-Earth rather than a Neptune, and at a different period
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 493, 645-650
2009 January
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

F. Lamareille, J. Brinchmann, T. Contini, C. J. Walcher, S. Charlot, E. Pérez-Montero, G. Zamorani, L. Pozzetti, M. Bolzonella, B. Garilli et al.
Physical properties of galaxies and their evolution in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey - I. The evolution of the mass-metallicity relation up to z ∼ 0.9
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 53-72
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Pérez-Montero, T. Contini, F. Lamareille, J. Brinchmann, C. J. Walcher, S. Charlot, M. Bolzonella, L. Pozzetti, D. Bottini, B. Garilli et al.
Physical properties of galaxies and their evolution in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey - II. Extending the mass-metallicity relation to the range z ≈0.89–1.24
Advances in Space Research, 495, 73-81
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Ascenso, J. Alves, M. T. V. T. Lago
No evidence of mass segregation in massive young clusters
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 147-155
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Castro, G. Vauclair, O. Richard, N. C. Santos
Lithium abundances in exoplanet-host stars: modelling
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 494, 663-668
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. S Cockell, A. Léger, M. Fridlund, T. M. Herbst, L. Kaltenegger, O. Absil, C. Beichman, W. Benz, M. Blanc, A. Brack et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Darwin - A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets
Astrobiology, 9, 1, 1-22
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

P. Augusto
The lack of large compact symmetric objects
Astronomische Nachrichten, 330, 2, 190-192
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

S. Bardelli, E. Zucca, M. Bolzonella, P. Ciliegi, L. Gregorini, G. Zamorani, M. Bondi, A. Zanichelli, L. Tresse, D. Vergani et al. (including: J. Brinchmann)
The VVDS-VLA deep field - IV. Radio-optical properties
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 431-446
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

A. Ghasempour, A. M. P. Leite, F. Reynaud, P. V. S. Marques, P. J. V. Garcia, D. Alexandre, P. Moreira
Hybrid sol-gel planar optics for astronomy
Optics Express, 17, 1970-1975
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

H. Bravo-Alfaro, C. A. Caretta, C. Lobo, F. Durret, T. C. Scott
Galaxy evolution in Abell 85: I. Cluster substructure and environmental effects on the blue galaxy population
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 379-387
2009 February
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. J. Davis, D. Froebrich, T. Stanke, S. T. Megeath, M. S. N. Kumar, A. Adamson, J. Eislöffel, R. Gredel, T. Khanzadyan, P. W. Lucas, M. D. Smith, W. P. Varricatt
A census of molecular hydrogen outflows and their sources along the Orion A molecular ridge. Characteristics and overall distribution
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 1, 153-176
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

S. Randich, G. Pace, L. Pastori, A. Bragaglia
Membership and lithium in the old, metal-poor open cluster Berkeley 32
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 2, 441-451
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. Moutou, M. Mayor, G. Lo Curto, S. Udry, F. Bouchy, W. Benz, C. Lovis, D. Naef, F. Pepe, N. C. Santos
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets - XV. Six long-period giant planets around BD-17 0063, HD20868, HD73267, HD131664, HD145377, and HD153950
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 2, 513-519
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. S Cockell, T. M. Herbst, A. Léger, O. Absil, C. Beichman, W. Benz, A. Brack, B. Chazelas, A. Chelli, H. Cottin et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Darwin - an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets
Experimental Astronomy, 23, 1, 435-461
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

I. Boisse, C. Moutou, A. Vidal-Madjar, F. Bouchy, F. Pont, G. Hébrard, X. Bonfils, B. Croll, X. Delfosse, M. Desort et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Stellar activity of planetary host star HD 189 733
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495, 959-966
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

N. Aghanim, A. C. da Silva, N. J. Nunes
Cluster scaling relations from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations in a dark energy dominated universe
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 3, 637-644
2009 March
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

V. Neves, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, A. C. M. Correia, G. Israelian
Chemical abundances of 451 stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 497, 2, 563-581
2009 April
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. Moutou, G. Hébrard, F. Bouchy, P. Eggenberger, I. Boisse, X. Bonfils, D. Gravallon, D. Ehrenreich, T. Forveille, X. Delfosse et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Photometric and spectroscopic detection of the primary transit of the 111-day-period planet HD 80 606 b
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 498, 1, L5-L8
2009 April
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. A. Collins, J. P. Stott, M. Hilton, S. T. Kay, S. A. Stanford, M. Davidson, M. Hosmer, A. R. Liddle, E. Lloyd-Davies, R. G. Mann et al. (including: P. T. P. Viana)
Early assembly of the most massive galaxies
Nature, 458, 603-606
2009 April
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Meléndez, B. Barbuy
Both accurate and precise gf-values for Fe II lines
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 497, 611-617
2009 April
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. M. C. Grave, M. S. N. Kumar
Spitzer-IRAC GLIMPSE of high mass protostellar objects II - SED modelling of a bonafide sample
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 498, 147-159
2009 April
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

R. I. Thompson, J. Bechtold, J. H. Black, C. J. A. P. Martins
Alternative Data Reduction Procedures for UVES: Wavelength Calibration and Spectrum Addition
New Astronomy, 14, 379-390
2009 May
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

L. de Ravel, O. Le Fèvre, L. Tresse, D. Bottini, B. Garilli, V. Le Brun, D. Maccagni, R. Scaramella, M. Scodeggio, G. Vettolani et al. (including: J. Brinchmann)
The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey
Evolution of the major merger rate since z ∼ 1 from spectroscopically confirmed galaxy pairs

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 498, 2, 379-397
2009 May
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Hilton, S. A. Stanford, J. P. Stott, C. A. Collins, B. Hoyle, M. Davidson, M. Hosmer, S. T. Kay, A. R. Liddle, E. Lloyd-Davies et al. (including: P. T. P. Viana)
The XMM Cluster Survey: Galaxy Morphologies and the color-magnitude Relation in XMMXCS J2215:9 - 1738 AT z = 1.46
The Astrophysical Journal, 697, 436-451
2009 May
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

G. Pace, J. Meléndez, L. Pasquini, G. Carraro, J. Danziger, P. François, F. Matteucci, N. C. Santos
An investigation of chromospheric activity spanning the Vaughan-Preston gap: impact on stellar ages
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 499, L9-L12
2009 May
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

B. Yanny, C. M. Rockosi, H. J. Newberg, G. R. Knapp, J. K. Adelman-McCarthy, B. Alcorn, S. S. Allam, C. A. Prieto, D. An, K. S. J. Anderson et al. (including: J. Brinchmann)
SEGUE: A Spectroscopic Survey of 240,000 Stars With g = 14-20
The Astronomical Journal, 137, 4377-4399
2009 May
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

A. C. da Silva, A. Catalano, L. Montier, E. Pointecouteau, J. Lanoux, M. Giard
The impact of dust on the scaling properties of galaxy clusters
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 396, 849-859
2009 June
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. L. Yun, D. Elia, P. M. Palmeirim, M. Werner, A. M. Martins
Molecular gas and a new young stellar cluster in the far outer Galaxy
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 500, 2, 833-843
2009 June
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Mota, P. Crawford, A. Simões
Einstein in Portugal. Eddington's expedition to Principe and the reactions of Portuguese astronomers(1917-1925)
The British Journal for the History of Science, 42, 2, 245-273
2009 June
>> Abstract>> DOI

K. N. Abazajian, J. K. Adelman-McCarthy, M. A. Agüeros, S. S. Allam, C. A. Prieto, D. An, K. S. J. Anderson, S. F. Anderson, J. Annis, N. A. Bahcall et al. (including: J. Brinchmann)
The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 182, 543-558
2009 June
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

H. Bruntt, D. W. Kurtz, M. S. Cunha, I. M. Brandão, G. Handler, T. R. Bedding, T. Medupe, D. L. Buzasi, D. Mashigo, I. Zhang, F. van Wyk
Asteroseismic analysis of the roAp star α Circini: 84 days of high-precision photometry from the WIRE satellite
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 396, 1189-1201
2009 June
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Meléndez, J. G. Cohen
The Rise of the AGB the Galactic Halo: Mg Isotopic Ratios and High Precision Elemental Abundances in M71 Giants
The Astrophysical Journal, 699, 2017-2025
2009 June
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Scodeggio, D. Vergani, O. Cucciati, A. Iovino, P. Franzetti, B. Garilli, F. Lamareille, M. Bolzonella, L. Pozzetti, U. Abbas et al. (including: J. Brinchmann)
The Vimos VLT Deep Survey: Stellar mass segregation and large-scale galaxy environment in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 1.4
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 1, 21-27
2009 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

S. Bernabei, V. Ripepi, A. Ruoppo, M. Marconi, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, E. Rodriguez, T. D. Oswalt, S. Leccia, F. Palla, G. Catanzaro et al.
Multi-site photometry of the pulsating Herbig Ae star V346 Ori
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 1, 279-289
2009 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

P. Viana Almeida, N. C. Santos, C. Melo, M. Ammler-von Eiff, C. A. O. Torres, G. R. Quast, J. F. Gameiro, M. Sterzik
Search for associations containing young stars (SACY)
II. Chemical abundances of stars in 11 young Associations in the Solar neighborhood

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 3, 965-971
2009 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. D. do Nascimento Jr., M. Castro, J. Meléndez, M. Bazot, S. Théado, G. F. Porto de Mello, J. R. de Medeiros
Age and mass of solar twins constrained by lithium abundance
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 687-694
2009 July
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Sahlén, P. T. P. Viana, A. R. Liddle, A. K. Romer, M. Davidson, M. Hosmer, E. Lloyd-Davies, K. Sabirli, C. A. Collins, P. E. Freeman et al.
The XMM Cluster Survey: forecasting cosmological and cluster scaling-relation parameter constraints
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397, 2, 577-607
2009 August
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

D. Stello, W. J. Chaplin, H. Bruntt, O. L. Creevey, A. García Hernández, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, A. Moya Bedón, P.-O. Quirion, S. G. Sousa, J.-C. Suárez et al.
Radius Determination of Solar-Type Stars Using Asteroseismology: What to expect from the KEPLER Mission
The Astrophysical Journal, 700, 1589-1602
2009 August
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

F. Pont, G. Hébrard, J. M. Irwin, F. Bouchy, C. Moutou, D. Ehrenreich, T. Guillot, S. Aigrain, X. Bonfils, Z. Berta-Thompson et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Spin-orbit misalignment in the HD80606 planetary system
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 502, 695-703
2009 August
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Pointecouteau, A. C. da Silva, A. Catalano, L. Montier, J. Lanoux, M. Roncarelli, M. Giard
Simulating the impact of dust cooling on the statistical properties of the intra-cluster medium
Advances in Space Research, 44, 4, 440-445
2009 September
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

R. I. Thompson, J. Bechtold, J. H. Black, D. J. Eisenstein, X. Fan, R. C Kennicutt, C. J. A. P. Martins, J. X. Prochaska, Y. L. Shirley
An Observational Determination of the Proton to Electron Mass Ratio in the Early Universe
The Astrophysical Journal, 703, 2, 1648-1662
2009 September
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Meléndez, M. Asplund, B. Gustafsson, D. Yong
The peculiar solar composition and its possible relation to planet formation
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 704, 1, 66-70
2009 September
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

P. P. Avelino, A. M. M. Trindade, P. T. P. Viana
Is w ≠ -1 evidence for a dynamical dark energy equation of state ?
Physical Review D, 80, 6, 067302.1-067302.4
2009 September
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M.-A. Dupret, K. Belkacem, R. Samadi, J. Montalbán, O. Moreira, A. Miglio, M. Godart, P. Ventura, H. -G. Ludwig, A. Grigahcène et al.
Theoretical amplitudes and lifetimes of non-radial solar-like oscillations in red giants
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 506, 1, 57-67
2009 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

F. Bouchy, G. Hébrard, S. Udry, X. Delfosse, I. Boisse, M. Desort, X. Bonfils, A. Eggenberger, D. Ehrenreich, T. Forveille et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 505, 02, 853-858
2009 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

E. Menegoni, S. Galli, J.G. Bartlett, C. J. A. P. Martins, A. Melchiorri
New Constraints on variations of the fine structure constant from CMB anisotropies
Physical Review D, 80, 8, 087302-1
2009 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

C. J. A. P. Martins
Evolution of Hybrid Defect Networks
Physical Review D, 80, 8, 083527-1
2009 October
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

T. Schörck, N. Christlieb, J. G. Cohen, T. C. Beers, S. A. Shectman, I. B. Thompson, A. McWilliam, M. Bessell, J. E. Norris, J. Meléndez et al.
The stellar content of the Hamburg/ESO survey
V. The metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 2, 817-832
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Mayor, X. Bonfils, T. Forveille, X. Delfosse, S. Udry, J.-L. Bertaux, H. Beust, F. Bouchy, C. Lovis, F. Pepe et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets
XVIII. An Earth-mass planet in the GJ 581 planetary system

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 1, 487-494
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

O. Benomar, F. Baudin, T. L. Campante, W. J. Chaplin, R. A. Garcia, P. Gaulme, T. Toutain, G. A. Verner, T. Appourchaux, J. Ballot et al.
A fresh look at the seismic spectrum of HD49933: analysis of 180 days of CoRoT photometry
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 1, 13-16
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Ammler-von Eiff, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, J. M. Fernandes, T. Guillot, G. Israelian, M. Mayor, C. Melo
A homogeneous spectroscopic analysis of host stars of transiting planets
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 1, 523-530
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Desort, A.-M. Lagrange, F. Galland, S. Udry, G. Montagnier, H. Beust, I. Boisse, X. Bonfils, F. Bouchy, X. Delfosse et al. (including: N. C. Santos)
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars
VII. θ Cygni radial velocity variations: planets or stellar phenomenon?

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 506, II, 1469-1476
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

J. Ascenso, J. Alves, M. T. V. T. Lago
Mass segregation in young clusters: observational biases
Astrophysics and Space Science, 324, 2, 113-119
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

G. Israelian, E. Delgado Mena, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, M. Mayor, S. Udry, C. Domínguez Cerdeña, R. Rebolo López, S. Randich
Enhanced lithium depletion in Sun-like stars with orbiting planets
Nature, 462, 189-191
2009 November
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

M. Ammler-von Eiff, E. W. Guenther
Spectroscopic properties of cool Ursa Major group members
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 2, 677-693
2009 December
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

I. Ramírez, J. Meléndez, M. Asplund
Accurate abundance patterns of solar twins and analogs
Does the anomalous solar chemical composition come from planet formation?

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 508, 1, L17-L20
2009 December
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

L. M. Cairós, N. Caon, P. Papaderos, C. Kehrig, P. M. Weilbacher, M. M. Roth, C. Zurita
New light in star-forming dwarf galaxies: The PMAS integral field view of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 409
The Astrophysical Journal, 707, 2, 1676-1690
2009 December
>> Abstract>> ADS>> DOI

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