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PoET Workshop #2

Workshop programme

× Agenda in Local Time  (WEST / UTC+1)
23 October 24 October 25 October
Wednesday, 23 October
09:30 Registration, and welcome coffee

Session 1: PoET and related instrumentation – Chair: Bachar Wehbe
10:00 Nuno C. Santos
PoET: an overview
10:20 Alexandre Cabral
PoET design
10:40 André Silva
PoET Observations
11:00 Maddalena Bugatti/Francesco Pepe
nuAncestor, a wavelength calibration satellite of interest to PoET and ESPRESSO?
11:20 Lilly Zhao
Integration times for solar observations
11:35 Gaspare lo Curto
Operations of HELIOS
11:50 Alain Smette
Molecfit: Recent results relevant for PoET
12:10 General discussion
12:45 Lunch Break

Session 2: Radial velocities – Chair: Eduardo Cristo
14:00 André Silva
Observing strategies and their role in the improvement of RV analysis
14:20 Carmen San Nicolás Martinéz
Refining the radial velocity method to uncover other Earths
14:40 Alba Barka
Modelling stellar noise in precise radial velocities: using the Sun as a proxy
15:00 Andrew Collier Cameron
Mapping granulation velocities versus depth with MURaM simulations of PoET disc-centre intensities
15:20 Coffee Break
15:40 Michael Palumbo
Probing Line-by-Line Variability from Granulation with PoET
16:00 Cretignier Michael
How PoET could deliver the ingredients for the ultimate stellar activity correction
16:20 Eric Ford
Line shape variations from the NEID Solar Telescope
16:40 Xavier Dumusque
Solar RV in the VIS and NIR
17:00 General discussion
18:00 End of day 1
19:00 Social program (gathering for drinks and dinner)
Thursday, 24 October

Session 2: Radial velocities – Chair: André Silva
09:30 Annelies Mortier
ABORAS: A polarising Sun-as-a-star telescope coupled to HARPS3
09:50 Khaled Al Moulla
Small-scale magnetic field proxies in the optical and near-infrared using solar observations from HARPS-N, HARPS, and NIRPS
10:10 Nadege Meunier
Confrontation between modelled and direct observation of the convective blueshift inhibition
10:30 Ignasi Ribas
Physical modelling of solar and stellar activity (TBC)
10:50 Federica Rescigno
Re-calibration and analysis of the BiSON data and its impact on PoET observational plan
11:10 Coffee Break
11:30 General discussion
12:30 Lunch Break

Session 3: Atmospheres – Chair: Olivier Demangeon
14:00 William Dethier
Stellar contaminations in high-resolution transit spectroscopy
14:20 Julia Seidel
Time-resolved exoplanet atmospheric retrievals - stellar impact and the role of the Sun
14:40 Eduardo Cristo
Bridging PoET Observations with Simulations with SOAP
15:00 Jennifer Peralta
Detecting exoplanet atmospheres in the presence of stellar activity
15:20 Coffee Break
15:50 Vincent Bourrier
Optimal extraction of spatially-resolved stellar spectra with high-resolution transit spectroscopy
16:10 Heather Cegla
Granulation at different limb angles through 3D simulations
16:30 General discussion

Session 4: Solar and stellar physics – Chair: Ricardo Gafeira
17:30 Ângela Santos
Stochastic solar phenomena: insights into granulation and oscillation properties
17:50 Sowmya Krishnamurthy
Sensitivity of spectral lines to solar granulation
18:10 End of day 2
Friday, 25 October

Session 4: Solar and stellar physics – Chair: Ângela Santos
09:00 Alex Pietrow
Sun as a star flare observations with HARPS-N
09:20 Jean Costes
New stellar activity indicators and how PoET could help us understand the physics of astrophysical noise
09:40 Momo Ellwarth
Varying Convective Motions in High-Resolution IAG Solar Observations
10:00 Sasha Shapiro
Modeling magnetic features on surfaces of cool stars
10:20 Coffee Break
10:50 Dainis Dravins
Solar photospheric spectrum microvariability
11:10 Hans Peter Doerr
The Tautenburg Solar Laboratory - A Pathfinder for a Next-Generation Network of Ground-Based Synoptic Solar Observatories
11:30 Ricardo Gafeira
Influence of spatial resolution in the diagnostic capabilities of spectropolarimetric observations
11:50 General discussion
12:30 End of meeting
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia