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<< latest conferences
Beyond ΛCDM with the ELT and space facilities
5th Azores School on Observational Cosmology
7th Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences

Applications information
Attendance will be limited to 40 students. The application form will be available from 15 March.

Those interested in attending must start by submiting an application, as early as possible from 15 March, but not later than the 31 May deadline. We will periodically review the applications and may offer some places well before this deadline. We expect that the final set of places will be offered not later than 11 June.

Students offered places will be given a few weeks to confirm attendance, including arranging for the payment, via bank transfer, of a 300 Euro school fee. Information on the rest of the school logistics (including accommodation, airport transfers, social programme, etc) will be sent together with such offers.

The school is primarily aimed for current PhD students, or those starting the PhD in the autumn. Nevertheless, current MSc students and junior postdocs (those having obtained their PhDs after 1 January 2022) are also welcome to apply, and may be offered places, space permitting. In such cases, offers are only likely to be made in early June.

The application should include your CV, a motivation letter (describing your scientific interests, current research projects, and reasons for attending the school) and a recommendation letter from your supervisor. (For junior postdocs, the letter should be from your PhD supervisor.) In the application, the students will have an opportunity to submit a title/abstract for a flash talk on their thesis, with a limit of 3 minutes and 1 plain (static) pdf slide.

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia