Articles in journals Articles in books and proceedings Scientific communications Books
Scientific communications
Communications during 2023

C. J. A. P. Martins
To scale, or not to scale
VII Olentzero Workshop, Bilbao, Spain
2023 December
>> Abstract

M. Pinto
Non-minimal geometry-matter couplings and their implications
7th Winter Workshop @Valencia, Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia, Spain
2023 December
>> Abstract

T. B. Gonçalves
When will gravity be revolutionised?
7th Winter Workshop @Valencia, Faculty of Physics of the University of Valencia, Spain
2023 December
>> Abstract

J. B. V. Marques, I. A. Costa, M. Gomes
What do people really talk about inside the dome? A detailed look at planetarium communication topics
5th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education, , Online
2023 November
>> Abstract

R. Carvajal, I. Matute, J. Afonso, R. P. Norris, K. J. Luken, P. Sánchez-Sáez, P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, H. Messias, S. Amarantidis, D. D. Barbosa, H. A. Cruz, H. Miranda, C. Pappalardo, A. Paulino-Afonso
Extracting physical rules from ensemble machine learning for the selection of radio AGN
Debating the potential of Machine Learning in astronomical surveys #2, IAP, Paris / Flatiron Institute, New York, France / USA
2023 November
>> Abstract

I. Matute, R. Carvajal, J. Afonso
Charting the Cosmos: Self-Organized Insights from Large-Scale Surveys
Machine learning meets galaxy classification: Addressing paradigms of galaxy evolution and their environment, ESAC, Madrid, Spain
2023 November
>> Abstract

T. Barata, A. L. Morozova, T. Barlyaeva
ssessment of spatial TEC gradients during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed days for Iberian Peninsula and Portuguese archipelagos
19th European Space-Weather Week (ESWW2023), Toulouse, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova, L. Spogli
Assessment of the ionospheric scintillation on L-band signals over Portugal
19th European Space-Weather Week (ESWW2023), Toulouse, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova, J. P. M. F. Pereira, T. Barata, M. Hernandez-Pajares, T. Barlyaeva
Ionosphere over Eastern North Atlantic mid-latitudinal zone during geomagnetic storms
19th European Space-Weather Week (ESWW2023), Toulouse, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

S. L. L. Bourgeois, T. Barata, R. Erdelyi, R. Gafeira, O. Oliveira
Getting solar feature contouring with Mathematical Morphology image processing
19th European Space-Weather Week (ESWW2023), Toulouse, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

T. Barata, A. L. Morozova, T. Barlyaeva
Assessment of spatial TEC gradients during goemagnetically quiet and disturbed days for Iberian Peninsula and potuguese Archipelagos
19th European Space-Weather Week (ESWW2023), Toulouse, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

S. C. C. Barros
Review of the WG5 Feature characterise results
CHEOPS Science Team Meeting #29, Center of Space and Habitability, University of Bern, Switzerland
2023 November
>> Abstract

N. M. Gonçalves, A. Cabral, M. Abreu
Trade-off analysis of a high resolution cross dispersed echelle spectrograph with a Cassegrain collimator
NYRIA Workshop, Marseille, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

N. J. Nunes
Current and future constraints on f(Q) cosmology with LCDM background
DArk Energy: from Fundamental Theories to Observations (and back), INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy
2023 November
>> Abstract

M. Cortês
There will be no absolute truths left in the study of reality
Open Historicity of Life. Theory, epistemology, practice, Salle Dussane, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
2023 November
>> Abstract

P. Machado, F. Brasil
MWWM - Mars Wind & Wave Mapping
Mars Express - Trace Gas Orbiter Science Working Team Meeting and Science Workshop, ESAC-ESA, Madrid, Spain
2023 November
>> Abstract

J. M. Gomes
Nebular Emission in Early-Type Galaxies
S-PLUS meeting, , Brazil
2023 November
>> Abstract

L. Spogli, S. Poedts, A. L. Morozova, A. Guerrero, R. Van der Linden, S. Chabanski
Sustaining the European Space Weather and SpaceClimate community on the long term through E-SWAN
Heliophysics in Europe, ESTEC, Netherlands
2023 October
>> Abstract

H. Miranda, C. Pappalardo, J. Afonso
The Birth of the Galaxy Main Sequence in the Young Universe
Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 October
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias
Dry Volcanos to Icy Deserts using High-Resolution Spectroscopy in the Solar System
Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 October
>> Abstract

P. M. N. M. G. Martins, J. Afonso, I. Matute, V. Cuambe
On the selection and exploration of radio powerful Active Galactic Nuclei
Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 October
>> Abstract

D. Quirino, P. Machado, J. Peralta, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, E. Blucher
3D Climate modelling of rocky exoplanets with a Venus-like atmosphere: LP 890-9 b-c and TRAPPIST-1 c-d
Generic-PCM days conference, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (virtual attendance), France
2023 October
>> Abstract

E. Delgado Mena
NIRPS - Other Science Programs (online)
NIRPS Science meeting, Montreal, Canada
2023 October
>> Abstract

A. Cabral
Telescópios e Instrumentação
3 Day Mission: Space Exploration, FCUL, Portugal
2023 October
>> Abstract

C. P. Pereira
A Calibration System for the ARIEL Space Mission
3 Day Mission: SP4C3 EXPLORATION, FCUL, Portugal
2023 October
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova
Total electron content (TEC) variations for different locations: Continent & islands
Space weather influence on the ionosphere and its potential threats to GNSS services: focus on the Portuguese territories, , ONline
2023 October
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova
Ionospheric scintillations
Space weather influence on the ionosphere and its potential threats to GNSS services: focus on the Portuguese territories, , online
2023 October
>> Abstract

M. J. Conceição, A. C. da Silva, A. Krone-Martins
Emulating Hydrodynamics from Dark Matter 3D Density Fields
IEEE eScience 2023, Limassol, Cyprus
2023 October
>> Abstract

J. B. V. Marques
Observações do céu enquanto práticas potenciadoras de aprendizagens
I Congresso Internacional de Ensino em Astronomia, Imperatriz do Maranhão, Brazil
2023 October
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, A. Cardesín-Moinelo, J. E. O. Silva, D. C. Espadinha, L. Riu, J. Carter, D. Tirsch, T. Roatsch, C. Wilson
Detecting and Characterising atmospheric gravity waves on Mars' atmosphere - Final results using data from OMEGA/Mars Express
55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
2023 October
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, F. Brasil
Detecting Volcanic Plumes and Ice Using High-Resolution Spectroscopy on Venus and Mars
55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
2023 October
>> Abstract

P. Machado, T. de Azevedo Silva, A. Branco, S. Jaeggli, P. Tanga, T. Widemann
Transmission spectroscopy along the transit of Venus used for probing the atmosphere’s upper layers and as a proxy for exoplanets atmosphere characterization
55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
2023 October
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, A. Cardesín-Moinelo, J. E. O. Silva, D. C. Espadinha, L. Riu, J. Carter, D. Tirsch, T. Roatsch, C. Wilson
Detecting and Characterising atmospheric gravity waves on Mars' atmosphere - Final results using data from OMEGA/Mars Express
55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
2023 October
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, F. Brasil
Detecting Volcanic Plumes and Ice Using High-Resolution Spectroscopy on Venus and Mars
55th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting joint with the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC), San Antonio, Texas, USA
2023 October
>> Abstract

A. R. G. Santos
Stellar Physics @ Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences
10th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 September
>> Abstract

N. A. M. Moedas
Radiative accelerations in solar-like stars: a more efficient way to compute them in MESA
10th Iberian Meeting on Asteroseismology, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. Vila-Perez, N. C. Nguyen, J. Peraire, A. L. Morozova, T. Barata
A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Approach for Physics-Based Thermospheric Modeling
MIT Portugal Program (MPP) Annual Conference, Altice Forum Braga, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. C. Fonseca
The observed number counts in luminosity distance space
26th International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmolog (COSMO23), Madrid, Spain
2023 September
>> Abstract

I. S. Albuquerque
Spherical collapse in shift symmetric Galileon theory
COSMO'23, Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC), Madrid, Spain
2023 September
>> Abstract

M. J. Conceição
Emulating Hydrodynamical Density Fields with Machine Learning
COSMO'23, Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT UAM-CSIC), Madrid, Spain
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann, R. S. Ellis
Extragalactic Science Cases for WST
WST Busy Week, Varenna, Italy
2023 September
>> Abstract

A. Paulino-Afonso
Illuminating the secrets of the Universe with over 7,000 newly discovered Lyman-a emitters and their impact on the Lya luminosity function
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

M. M. C. D. Carvalho, C. J. A. P. Martins
Observational consequences of string theory inspired scalar fields
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

I. A. Costa
O Ensino da Astronomia na Escolaridade Obrigatória: um Olhar Sobre as Aprendizagens Essenciais
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann
Euclid - a brief summary and outlook
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

A. Chougule
Spectral Synthesis of Seyfert 2 Galaxies Uning FADO
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

A. R. Costa Silva, O. Demangeon, N. C. Santos
Neutral iron detection in dayside emission spectra of WASP-76 b
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

A. W. Neitzel
Machine Learning Applied to Galactic Archaeology
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. D. F. Dias
Runaway dilaton models: Improved constraints from the full cosmological evolution
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

M. T. Clara
Characterizing Grid Interpolation in the Context of Grid-Based Modelling of Subgiant Stars
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

N. A. M. Moedas
Study of Planet Host FG-Type Stars With Improved Chemical Transport Mechanisms
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

N. A. M. Moedas
Precise Charactersation of HD15337 with CHEOPS
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
Unveiling the Physical Properties of Type II Quasars Candidates in the Redshift Desert
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

T. Boulet
Advancing our Understanding of the Milky Way's Formation: Machine Learning-Based Stellar Age Predictions and Age Mapping
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

B. Arsioli
Yet Another Sunshine Mystery
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

I. Matute, R. Carvajal, J. Afonso
Deciphering the cosmic tapestry: selforganized analysis of large-scale surveys and future prospects for skao
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

D. D. Barbosa, J. Afonso, I. Matute
A complete characterization of ultra steep spectrum sources in the cosmos field
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

R. Carvajal, I. Matute, J. Afonso, R. P. Norris, K. J. Luken, P. Sánchez-Sáez, P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, H. Messias, S. Amarantidis, D. D. Barbosa, H. A. Cruz, H. Miranda, A. Paulino-Afonso, C. Pappalardo
Ensemble Machine Learning for the selection of radio AGN in multi-survey data
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

K. Muzic, A. Paulino-Afonso, J. M. C. Grave, P. N. M. B. Gual, B. Ribeiro
Olimpíadas de Astronomia: Envolvendo futuras geraçõoes de cientistas
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, J. E. O. Silva, D. C. Espadinha
Detecting and characterising atmospheric gravity waves on Mars' atmosphere - Final results from the nominal mission of OMEGA/Mars E
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

D. C. Espadinha, P. Machado, T. Widemann, J. Peralta, J. E. O. Silva, F. Brasil
Atmospheric gravity waves with UVI instrument
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

R. Rianço Silva, P. Machado, Z. Martins, E. Lellouch, J. Loison, M. Dobrijévic, J. A. Dias, J. Ribeiro
A study of very high resolution visible spectra of Titan: Line characterisation in visible CH4 bands and the search for C3
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. Ribeiro, P. Machado, S. Perez-Hoyos, J. A. Dias, P. G. J. Irwin
Reanalyzing Jupiter ISO/SWS data through a more recent atmospheric model
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

P. Papaderos
Bulgeless Disks And Other Expected Phenomena At High Z
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

C. P. Pereira
Optical Sub-System to characterize the future ARIEL Space Mission
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

D. D. Barbosa
Podcasts como ferramenta de divulgação em astronomia
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

D. D. Barbosa
A complete characterization of ultra steep spectrum sources in the cosmos field
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

H. Miranda, C. Pappalardo, J. Afonso
The Evolution of Ionised Gas in Galaxies
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

I. M. Leite, A. Cabral, N. C. Santos
Paranal Solar ESPRESSO Telescope: instrument concept and radiometric budget
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, F. Brasil
Detection of Ice and Volcanic Plumes using High-Resolution Spectroscopy in the Solar System
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, F. Brasil
Detection of Ice and Volcanic Plumes using High-Resolution Spectroscopy in the Solar System
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

N. M. Gonçalves, A. Cabral, M. Abreu
Trade-off analysis of a high resolution cross dispersed echelle spectrograph with a Cassegrain collimator
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

P. M. N. M. G. Martins, J. Afonso, V. Cuambe, I. Matute
On the selection and exploration of radio powerful Active Galactic Nuclei
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

T. B. Gonçalves, J. L. Rosa, F. S. N. Lobo
Accelerating without Dark Energy
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. B. V. Marques
Enthusiasm or disappointment? Management of emotions in observations of the sky
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

C. Leote
Comunicação de ciência: o quê, como e porquê?
XXXIII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Coimbra, Portugal
2023 September
>> Abstract

C. J. A. P. Martins
Testing the standard model with QSO absorption lines,
Spectral Fidelity, Florence, Italy
2023 September
>> Abstract

N. C. Santos
PoET, the Paranal solar ESPRESSO Telescope
Spectral Fidelity, Florence, Italy
2023 September
>> Abstract

S. Cristiani, M. Porru, F. Guarneri, G. Calderone, K. Boutsia, A. Grazian, G. Cupani, V. D'Odorico, F. Fontanot, C. J. A. P. Martins, C. M. J. Marques, C. Maitra
The Golden Sample for the cosmological redshift drift test
Spectral Fidelity, Florence, Italy
2023 September
>> Abstract

D. D. Barbosa
A Complete Characterisation of Ultra Steep Spectrum Sources in the COSMOS Field
Towards the SKAO: Partnerships and Africa’s role in the next generation of global radio astronomy, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
2023 September
>> Abstract

J. Marques Oliveira, J. Retrê
Night sky observations with the public: contributions from research and practice to the training of guides
GHOU - Global Hands-On Universe Conference, Kagoshima (hybrid event), Japan
2023 August
>> Abstract

V. Zh. Adibekyan
PoET: Mapping the Sun in space and time
IAU Symposium 365 - Dynamics of Solar and Stellar Convection Zones and Atmospheres, Yerevan, Armenia
2023 August
>> Abstract

J. E. O. Silva, Y. J. Lee, J. Peralta, D. C. Espadinha
Observing Waves on Venus Dayside Upper Cloud with Virtis
20th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS2023), SUNTEC, Singapore
2023 July
>> Abstract

C. J. A. P. Martins
Reaching new heights in fundamental cosmology with the redshift drift
StEm65, Sexten, Bozen, Italy
2023 July
>> Abstract

E. Delgado Mena
Long period RV signals in intermediate mass evolved stars: planets, oscillations or stellar activity?
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

I. A. Costa
CoAstro: um Condomínio de Astronomi@
VIII Encontro Internacional da Casa das Ciências, Aveiro, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

L. Sousa
Emission of gravitational waves by superconducting cosmic strings
Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. C. Santos
Looking at the Sun, finding other Earths: the Paranal solar ESPRESSO Telescope
Towards Other Earths III: the planet-star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

S. G. Sousa
SWEET-Cat: The Cat is still SWEETer
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

S. C. C. Barros
Detecting tidal deformation and tidal decay
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

T. L. Campante
Pushing the boundaries of cool-dwarf asteroseismology with ESPRESSO
TASC7/KASC14 workshop, Honolulu, USA
2023 July
>> Abstract

A. R. Costa Silva, O. Demangeon, N. C. Santos
Neutral iron detection in dayside emission spectra of WASP-76 b
Towards Other Earths III: the planet-star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

A. M. Silva
Approaches for RV extraction: s-BART and the first steps towards a fully Bayesian model
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

B. Soares, V. Zh. Adibekyan, C. Mordasini, E. Delgado Mena, S. G. Sousa, N. C. Santos
Assessing the processes behind planet engulfment and its imprints
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

E. A. S. Cristo, N. C. Santos, O. Demangeon
Unveiling the atmosphere of HD 189733b with ESPRESSO
Towards Other Earths III: The Planet-Star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

M. T. Clara, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino, T. L. Campante, S. Deheuvels, D. R. Reese
Towards a Comprehensive Characterization of Grid Interpolation in the Context of Grid-Based Modelling
TASC7/KASC14 workshop, Honolulu, USA
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. A. M. Moedas, D. Bossini, M. Deal
Accurate Characterisation of FG-type Stars with Improved Chemical Transport Mechanisms
TASC7/KASC14 workshop, Honolulu, USA
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. M. Rosário
Constraining the structure and composition of two short-period rocky planets spanning the radius valley
Towards Other Earths III: the planet-star connection, Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

R. Carvajal, I. Matute, J. Afonso, R. P. Norris, K. J. Luken, P. Sánchez-Sáez, P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, H. Messias, S. Amarantidis, D. D. Barbosa, H. A. Cruz, H. Miranda, A. Paulino-Afonso, C. Pappalardo
Ensemble Machine Learning for the prediction of Radio AGN in multi-survey data
VIII Encontro Internacional da Casa das Ciências, Aveiro, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. J. Nunes
Current and future constraints on f(Q) cosmology with LCDM background
Spanish and Portuguese Relativity Meeting (EREP 2023), Bizkaia Aretoa, Spain
2023 July
>> Abstract

J. D. F. Dias
Astrophysical and Local Tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle
MAP-Fis Research Conference, Online, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. C. Santos
Invited Panel Member
Desafios da Ciência no Ensino Superior em Portugal, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

P. Machado
Atmospheres - A Planetary Research Roadmap on the Solar System and beyond...
7th edition of the Meeting on Planetary Sciences and Exploration of the Solar System (CPESS-7), Palacio de Congresos Conde Ansúrez, Valladolid, Spain
2023 July
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova, T. Barata, J. P. M. F. Pereira
Variations of ionospheric parameters for Lisbon region during quiet and disturbed days
XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, Germany
2023 July
>> Abstract

A. Paulino-Afonso
How to find LAEs in a galaxy haystack?
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann, R. S. Ellis
Extragalactic Science with WST
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

D. A. D. Vaz, J. Brinchmann, S. L. Zoutendijk
A Window Through Cosmic Time: Unlocking the Properties of the First Galaxies with Observations of Nearby Relics
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

N. M. Rosário
Constraining the structure and composition of two short-period rocky planets spanning the radius valley
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
Few-shot learning photometric classification for the identification of Type II Quasars at intermediate and high-redshift
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
Unveiling the Physical Properties of Type II Quasars Candidates in the Redshift Desert
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

C. Pappalardo
Outcomes from the collaboration between the Universities of Dodoma and Lisbon
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

C. Pappalardo, E. Blucher
The importance of being nebular
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Kraków, Poland
2023 July
>> Abstract

D. D. Barbosa, J. Afonso, I. Matute, R. Carvajal, C. Pappalardo, I. H. Whittam, I. Heywood
A Complete Characterization of Ultra Steep Spectrum Sources in the COSMOS Field
Encontro Ciência 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

H. Miranda, C. Pappalardo, J. Afonso
The Birth of the Galaxy Main Sequence in the Young Universe
Encontro Ciência 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

P. M. N. M. G. Martins, J. Afonso, I. Matute, V. Cuambe
On the selection and exploration of radio powerful Active Galactic Nuclei
Encontro Ciência 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
2023 July
>> Abstract

A. Paulino-Afonso
Identifying more than 7K new LAEs in the COSMOS field:implications for the Lya luminosity function
Shedding new light on the first billion years of the Universe
16th edition of the GECO team conference cycle, Marseille, France
2023 July
>> Abstract

F. S. N. Lobo
Beyond Einstein’s General Relativity: Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity
XV International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Gyeongju, Korea
2023 July
>> Abstract

F. S. N. Lobo
Modified-gravity wormholes without exotic matter
XV International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, Gyeongju, Korea
2023 July
>> Abstract

J. Afonso
The Quest for Radio Powerful AGN in the EoR
Shedding new light on the first billion years of the Universe International Meeting — 16th edition of the GECO team conference cycle, Marseille, France
2023 July
>> Abstract

I. Tereno
Survey products for the Euclid community
Euclid implementation meeting, Marriott Coca Beach, USA
2023 July
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann
MuseFaint - an overview
MUSE Busy week, Aussois, France
2023 June
>> Abstract

A. R. G. Santos
Measuring stellar rotation and magnetic activity from photometric time-series
PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023, Milazzo, Italy
2023 June
>> Abstract

P. Fanha, M. S. Cunha, D. Bossini, M. I. M. F. S. Ferreira, M. Deal
Testing a new tool to distinguish the stage of evolution of red-giant stars
PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023, Milazzo, Italy
2023 June
>> Abstract

S. G. Sousa
Challenges in inferring fundamental stellar parameters
PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023, Milazzo, Italy
2023 June
>> Abstract

M. T. Clara
Towards a Comprehensive Characterization of Grid Interpolation in the context of Grid-based Modelling
PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023, Milazzo, Italy
2023 June
>> Abstract

N. A. M. Moedas, D. Bossini, M. Deal
An efficient way to compute dense and accurate grids of stellar models including the effect of radiative accelerations
PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023, Milazzo, Italy
2023 June
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
SpecSound: a sonification approach to astronomical spectroscopic analysis using machine learning
ICAD 2023 Sonification for the Masses: Student ThinkTank, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden
2023 June
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
SpecSound: a sonification approach to astronomical spectroscopic analysis using machine learning
ICAD 2023 Sonification for the Masses: Student ThinkTank, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden
2023 June
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann
Galaxy & AGN SWG - Updates & Key Projects for Q1/DR1
Euclid Consortium Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
2023 June
>> Abstract

P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann
Unveiling the Physical Properties of Type II Quasars Candidates in the Redshift Desert
Euclid Consortium Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
2023 June
>> Abstract

S. G. Sousa
CHEOPS TS3 report
CHEOPS Science Team Meeting #28, , Online
2023 June
>> Abstract

L. Sousa
Update on the cosmic strings parameter estimation project
10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, University of Stavanger, Norway
2023 June
>> Abstract

P. Machado, F. Brasil, J. A. Dias
MWWM - Mars Wind & Wave Mapping
Mars Express Science Working Team Meeting and Science Workshop, ESOC-ESA, Darmstadt, Germany
2023 June
>> Abstract

J. Ferreira, T. Barreiro, J. P. Mimoso, N. J. Nunes
Testing Lambdafree f(Q) Cosmology
CosmoVerse@Lisbon, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

T. B. Gonçalves, L. Atayde, N. Frusciante
f(Q) gravity: DGP-like model background & perturbations
CosmoVerse@Lisbon, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

V. da Fonseca
Varying alpha through the dynamics of dark energy
CosmoVerse@Lisbon, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann, R. S. Ellis
Extra-galactic working group
Science with the future WideField Spectroscopic Telescope, Vienna, Austria
2023 May
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann
Studying ultra-faint dwarfs with MUSE - lessons for WST
Science with the future WideField Spectroscopic Telescope, Vienna, Austria
2023 May
>> Abstract

A. R. Costa Silva, O. Demangeon, N. C. Santos
Neutral iron detection in dayside emission spectra of WASP-76 b
4th Astrophysical School on Exoplanetary Sciences, Vietri Sul Mare, Salerno, Italy
2023 May
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, D. C. Espadinha, J. Ribeiro, J. A. Dias, R. Rianço Silva, F. Rodrigues, C. T. Freire, P. M. H. Branco
Planetary Systems Group - Study of Planetary Atmospheres
STARLab - CMS Meeting, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
2023 May
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, J. E. O. Silva, D. C. Espadinha, R. Rianço Silva
Probing Atmospheric Gravity Waves on Mars’ Atmosphere Using Mars Express Omega Data
China - ESA Advanced Mars School, Huairou, Beijing, China
2023 May
>> Abstract

C. M. J. Marques, C. J. A. P. Martins, C. S. Alves
Fundamental cosmology from ANDES precision spectroscopy
IJUP 2023, Porto, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

J. B. V. Marques, A. P. Carlin, M. Gomes
Wonder and Awe observing the sky
ASTROEDU 2023, Toronto (hybrid event), Canada
2023 May
>> Abstract

N. C. Santos
Science, Technoly, and Industry: The virtuous circle of space sciences
6th New Space Atlantic Summit: a global effort for space sustainability, European Maritime, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

J. Ferreira, T. Barreiro, J. P. Mimoso, N. J. Nunes
Testing Lambdafree f(Q) Cosmology
Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity, Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

T. B. Gonçalves, L. Atayde, N. Frusciante
f(Q) gravity: DGP-like model background & perturbations
Dark Matter and Stars: Multi-Messenger Probes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity, Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2023 May
>> Abstract

G. Gilli, D. Quirino, T. Navarro, M. Turbet, L. Kaltenegger, T. J. Fauchez, J. Leconte, S. Lebonnois, L. M. Lara
Venus as a natural laboratory to infer observational prospects of close-in-orbit rocky exoplanets with a 3D model
EGU23 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
2023 April
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova, R. Gafeira, T. Barata, T. Barlyaeva
Different types of PCA-NN model for TEC with space weather parameters as predictors: advantages and disadvantages of different NN algorithms
EGU23 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
2023 April
>> Abstract

J. P. M. F. Pereira, A. L. Morozova, T. Barata, T. Barlyaeva
Variations of the ionospheric total electron content over Portugal Continental and Azores
EGU23 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
2023 April
>> Abstract

E. K. J. Kilpua, T. Barata, and the SWATNet team
Training program for PhD students in the field of heliophysics
EGU23 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
2023 April
>> Abstract

S. L. L. Bourgeois, A. Wagner, T. Barata, R. Erdelyi, O. Oliveira
Mathematical Morphology applied to solar features detection
EGU23 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
2023 April
>> Abstract

R. Gafeira, A. L. Morozova, T. Barata, T. Barlyaeva
PCA-NN model for TEC with space weather parameters as predictors: tuning of NN algorithms and input parameters
International Workshop On Machine Learning And Computer Vision In Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 April
>> Abstract

S. L. L. Bourgeois, T. Barata, R. Erdelyi, R. Gafeira, O. Oliveira
Machine Learning/Mathematical Morphology coupling for solar features detection
International Workshop On Machine Learning And Computer Vision In Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 April
>> Abstract

G. Francisco, D. Del Moro, T. Barata, J. M. Fernandes, S. Guastavino, M. Piana
Insight on Solar Flare Forecast with Explainable Deep Learning
International Workshop On Machine Learning And Computer Vision In Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023 April
>> Abstract

A. Paulino-Afonso
FLAEMING: are we able to find SC4K-like LAEs using AI?
Escape of Lyman radiation from galactic labyrinths, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece
2023 April
>> Abstract

M. Cortês
Biocosmology: Lessons from biology on physics of the continuum
At Varieties of Indeterminism, Les Diabrelets, Switzerland
2023 April
>> Abstract

L. Sousa
Emission of gravitational waves by superconducting cosmic strings
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

C. M. J. Marques, C. J. A. P. Martins, C. S. Alves
Fundamental cosmology from ANDES precision spectroscopy
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

J. D. F. Dias
Constraints on extended Bekenstein models from cosmological, astrophysical, and local data
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

B. J. Barros
Wormholes with matter haunted by ghosts
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

P. M. Sá
Inflationary cosmology and the swampland conjectures in string theory
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

M. Pinto
Gravitationally induced particle production in modified gravity
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

V. da Fonseca
A new form for the interaction between quintessence and the electromagnetic fields
IberiCos 2023 - 17th Iberian Cosmology Meeting, Ponte de Lima, Portugal
2023 April
>> Abstract

J. Brinchmann
Euclid for MOONS
MOONS consortium meeting, , Online
2023 March
>> Abstract

C. P. Pereira
VIS/NIR Illumination System for the OGSE of ARIEL Space Mission
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

I. S. Albuquerque
Spherical collapse in shift symmetric Galileon theory
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, C. T. Freire
On the effect of volcanic plumes on the nightside near-infrared spectrum of Venus
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

N. M. Gonçalves, A. Cabral, M. Abreu
Optical design for a prototype of a cross dispersed echelle spectrograph
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

P. M. N. M. G. Martins, J. Afonso, I. Matute, V. Cuambe
On the selection and exploration of radio powerful Active Galactic Nuclei
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

T. B. Gonçalves, J. L. Rosa, F. S. N. Lobo
Dynamical Systems in f(R,T) gravity
Jornadas Doutorais do Departamento de Física, Ciências ULisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

A. M. Silva
Towards a fully Bayesian RV extraction model
The Extreme Precision Radial Velocity 5, Santa Barbara, California, USA
2023 March
>> Abstract

E. A. S. Cristo, N. C. Santos, O. Demangeon
Unveiling the atmosphere of HD 189733b with ESPRESSO
The Extreme Precision Radial Velocity 5, Santa Barbara, California, USA
2023 March
>> Abstract

D. A. D. Vaz, J. Brinchmann
Leo T Dissected with the MUSE-Faint Survey
IAU Symposium 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies, Potsdam, Germany
2023 March
>> Abstract

T. de Azevedo Silva
Detection of Barium in the atmospheres of the ultra-hot gas giants WASP-76b and WASP-121b
PLANET-ESLAB-2023​: Understanding planets in the solar system and beyond, ESTEC, The Netherlands
2023 March
>> Abstract

G. Gilli, P. Machado, P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz, M Rengel, D. Quirino, C. Gapp, M. Lopez-Puertas, E. Marcq, K. Molaverdikhani, J. Leconte, S. Robert, F. Oliva, A. Piccialli, A. Sánchez-López, M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, P. Wolkenberg, A. Coustenis, A. Migliorini, L. M. Lara, F. Brasil, J. A. Dias, J. E. O. Silva, D. Turrini, A. C. Vandaele
The Solar System planets as testing ground for exoplanets: a contribution from the Ariel Consortium Working Group
PLANET-ESLAB-2023​: Understanding planets in the solar system and beyond, ESTEC, The Netherlands
2023 March
>> Abstract

G. Gilli, P. Machado, P. Drossart, T. Encrenaz, M Rengel, D. Quirino, C. Gapp, M. Lopez-Puertas, E. Marcq, K. Molaverdikhani, J. Leconte, S. Robert, F. Oliva, A. Piccialli, A. Sánchez-López, M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, P. Wolkenberg, A. Coustenis, A. Migliorini, L. M. Lara, F. Brasil, J. A. Dias, J. E. O. Silva, D. Turrini, A. C. Vandaele
The Solar System planets as testing ground for exoplanets: a contribution from the Ariel Consortium Working Group
PLANET-ESLAB-2023​: Understanding planets in the solar system and beyond, ESTEC, The Netherlands
2023 March
>> Abstract

F. Brasil, P. Machado, G. Gilli, J. E. O. Silva, D. C. Espadinha
From Detection to Characterisation: A systematic approach in the identification and quantification of oscillatory patterns in the atmosphere
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

D. C. Espadinha, P. Machado, J. Peralta, J. E. O. Silva, F. Brasil
Studying Venus' atmosphere gravity waves using Akatsuki UVI data
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

D. Quirino, G. Gilli, T. Navarro, L. Kaltenegger, M. Turbet, T. J. Fauchez, J. Leconte, S. Lebonnois, P. Machado, J. Peralta, F. Gonzalez-Galindo
3D Climate modelling of modern Venus-like atmospheres in the solar neighbourhood: LP 890-9 c and TRAPPIST-1 c
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

R. Rianço Silva, P. Machado, Z. Martins
High resolution visible spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres: Empirical line characterisation and minor compound detection
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

D. C. Espadinha, P. Machado, T. Widemann, J. Peralta, J. E. O. Silva, F. Brasil
Venus atmospheric dynamics: Akatsuki and TNG HARPS-N observations
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

J. A. Dias, P. Machado, S. Robert, C. T. Freire
On the effect of volcanic plumes on the near-infrared spectra of Venus
Japan and Portugal Collaboration on Venus' Atmosphere Research in the framework of Akatsuki space mission, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

I. A. Costa
CoAstro: um Condomínio de Astronomi@
Conferência Nacional Scientix - Novos Desafios da Educação em Ciência, Online, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

I. A. Costa
CoAstro: um Condomínio de Astronomi@
Conferência Nacional Scientix - Novos Desafios da Educação em Ciência, Online, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

I. Tereno
The light deflection measurements of 1919: the data analyses in a nutshell
1st workshop E3Global, FCUL, Lisboa, Portugal
2023 March
>> Abstract

C. J. A. P. Martins
The ESPRESSO I2 Cell Experiment
ANDES System Architecture Meeting 2023, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
2023 March
>> Abstract

I. A. Costa
From science communication to science educations: the educational assessment of an outreach oriented science center
7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2023), Valencia, Spain
2023 March
>> Abstract

S. L. L. Bourgeois, T. Barata, R. Erdelyi, O. Oliveira
Applying Mathematical Morphology to solar feature detection
Science Showcase, University of Sheffield, UK
2023 March
>> Abstract

R. Carvajal, I. Matute, J. Afonso, R. P. Norris, K. J. Luken, P. Sánchez-Sáez, P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, H. Messias, S. Amarantidis, D. D. Barbosa, H. A. Cruz, H. Miranda, A. Paulino-Afonso, C. Pappalardo
Radio Galaxy prediction with multi-survey data and ensemble Machine Learning
Coordinated Surveys of the Southern Sky (CSSS), ESO Garching, Germany
2023 February
>> Abstract

N. C. Santos
The Paranal Solar ESPRESSO Telescope
PoET workshop, Porto, Portugal
2023 February
>> Abstract

E. A. S. Cristo
Prospects of modeling stellar activity and planetary transits with SOAP
PoET workshop, Porto, Portugal
2023 February
>> Abstract

R. Gafeira
Diagnostic capabilities of PoET observation on solar lower atmospheric studies
PoET workshop, Porto, Portugal
2023 February
>> Abstract

A. L. Morozova
Portuguese regional ionosphere maps
Online PITHIA-NRF TNA User Meeting, , online
2023 February
>> Abstract

C. J. A. P. Martins
The ESPRESSO Redshift Drift Experiment
ESPRESSO Science Team Meeting 2023, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 February
>> Abstract

C. J. A. P. Martins
The ESPRESSO I2 Cell Experiment
ESPRESSO Science Team Meeting 2023, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 February
>> Abstract

A. R. Costa Silva, O. Demangeon
Exoplanet atmospheric studies: Emission and reflection spectroscopy
ESPRESSO Science Team Meeting 2023, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 February
>> Abstract

A. M. Silva
sBART application to the ESPRESSO WG1 targets
ESPRESSO Science Team Meeting 2023, Lanzarote, Spain
2023 February
>> Abstract

I. S. Albuquerque, N. Frusciante
A designer approach to f(Q) gravity and cosmological implications
DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology, University of Pisa, Italy
2023 January
>> Abstract

T. L. Campante
Homogeneous ages and masses for stars in the Ariel Reference Sample
3rd Planetary Systems Day @IA, Porto, Portugal
2023 January
>> Abstract

D. Quirino, G. Gilli, T. Navarro, L. Kaltenegger, M. Turbet, T. J. Fauchez, J. Leconte, S. Lebonnois, P. Machado, J. Peralta, F. Gonzalez-Galindo
3D Climate modelling of rocky exoplanets with a Venus-like atmosphere: LP 890-9 c and TRAPPIST-1 c
3rd Planetary Systems Day @IA, Porto, Portugal
2023 January
>> Abstract

P. Machado
Ariel Portuguese Consortium contriburion to Ariel Space mission
3rd Planetary Systems Day @IA, Porto, Portugal
2023 January
>> Abstract

Number of records during 2023: 201Return to latest scientific communications List all scientific communications during: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia