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Biographic Notes
Pedro Viana is a Researcher at IA and a Lecturer at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. He was awarded a first degree in Physics - Applied Mathematics (Astronomy) by the University of Porto in 1992, a Master degree by the University of Sussex (UK) in 1993 and a PhD by the University of Sussex (UK) in 1996. He is a member of IA since 2014.
Current research interests focus on the application of techniques associated with bayesian statistical inference in the detection and characterization of exoplanetary systems.
ADS public library
Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)P. M. Kelly, J. Jobel, O. Eiger, A. Abd, T. E. Jeltema, P. A. Giles, D. L. Hollowood, R. D. Wilkinson, D. J. Turner, S. Bhargava et al. (including: P. T. P. Viana), 2024,
Dark energy survey year 3 results: miscentring calibration and X-ray-richness scaling relations in redMaPPer clusters,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 533, 16
>> AbstractE. Upsdell, P. A. Giles, A. K. Romer, R. D. Wilkinson, D. J. Turner, M. Hilton, E. S. Rykoff, A. Farahi, S. Bhargava, T. E. Jeltema et al. (including: L. Ebrahimpour, P. T. P. Viana), 2023,
The XMM cluster survey: exploring scaling relations and completeness of the dark energy survey year 3 redMaPPer cluster catalogue,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 522, 13
>> AbstractJ. D. Camacho, J. P. Faria, P. T. P. Viana, 2023,
Modelling stellar activity with Gaussian process regression networks,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 14
>> AbstractP. A. Giles, A. K. Romer, R. Wilkinson, A. Bermeo, D. J. Turner, M. Hilton, E. Upsdell, P. J. Rooney, S. Bhargava, L. Ebrahimpour, 2022,
The XMM Cluster Survey analysis of the SDSS DR8 redMaPPer catalogue: implications for scatter, selection bias, and isotropy in cluster scaling relations,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516, 3878 - 3899
>> AbstractD. J. Turner, P. A. Giles, A. K. Romer, R. Wilkinson, E. Upsdell, M. Klein, P. T. P. Viana, M. Hilton, S. Bhargava, C. A. Collins, 2022,
The XMM Cluster Survey: an independent demonstration of the fidelity of the eFEDS galaxy cluster data products and implications for future studies,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517, 657 - 674
>> AbstractV. Wetzell, T. E. Jeltema, B. Hegland, S. Everett, P. A. Giles, R. Wilkinson, A. Farahi, M. Costanzi, D. L. Hollowood, E. Upsdell et al. (including: A. R. Liddle, P. T. P. Viana), 2022,
Velocity dispersions of clusters in the Dark Energy Survey Y3 redMaPPer catalogue,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514, 4696 - 4717
>> Abstract