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Nonlinear power spectrum and forecasts for a generalized cubic covariant Galileon

L. Atayde, N. Frusciante, B. Bose, S. Casas, B. Li

To fully exploit the data from next generation surveys, we need an accurate modeling of the matter power spectrum up to nonlinear scales. Therefore in this work we present the halo model reaction framework for the generalized cubic covariant Galileon (GCCG) model, a modified gravity model within the Horndeski class of theories which extends the cubic covariant Galileon (G3) by including power laws of the derivatives of the scalar field in the K-essence and cubic terms. We modify the publicly available software react for the GCCG in order to obtain an accurate prediction of the nonlinear power spectrum. In the limit of the G3 model we compare the modified react code to N-body simulations and we find agreement within 5% for a wide range of scales and redshifts. We then study the relevant effects of the modifications introduced by the GCCG on the nonlinear matter power spectrum. Finally, we provide forecasts from spectroscopic and photometric primary probes by next generation surveys using a Fisher matrix method. We show that future data will be able to constrain at 1⁢σ the two additional parameters of the model at the percent level and that considering nonlinear corrections to the matter power spectrum beyond the linear regime is crucial to obtain this result.

Alternative gravity theories; Cosmology; Large scale structure of the Universe; Gravitation, Cosmology & Astrophysics

Physical Review D
Volume 110, Issue 2, Page 17
2024 July

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Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia