Fundamental cosmology from the ELT and space
4th Azores School on Observational Cosmology
6th Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences06-12 September 2021, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, Portugal
Latest news: The school will start on Monday afternoon. Detailed logistics information has been sent to the participants.
RationaleThe observational evidence for the acceleration of the universe shows that our canonical theories of cosmology and fundamental physics are at least incomplete, and possibly incorrect: new physics is out there, waiting to be discovered. Key cosmological paradigms like dark matter, dark energy, inflation and neutrino masses, all of which require new physics, will leave imprints on a range of astrophysical scales. Thus progress in fundamental physics will increasingly rely on progress in observational astrophysics and cosmology.
In the coming years a range of ground and space facilities will be gathering an unprecedented amount of high-quality data. A pressing task of these facilities is to search for, identify and ultimately characterize this new physics. In order to fully exploit these datasets, one requires the interplay of a broad range of expertise, encompassing theory, phenomenology, high performance computing, data analysis and instrumentation. This school aims to prepare the next generation of astrophysicists for this exciting quest. This edition will focus on ESO's ELT, and its synergies with space facilities. In addition to a range of lectures and hands-on tutorials, the students will have an opportunity to present their own work and discuss it with world experts in the field.
Attendance will be limited to ca. 40 students. The level of the lectures will be aimed for PhD students, but younger students and postdocs are also welcome. Please note that depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic we reserve the right to switch to an online school format.
For any questions/inquiries, please contact us at
School DirectorsCarlos Martins (Porto), Michele Cirasuolo (ESO)
LOCMiguel Ferreira, João Freitas Dias, Carlos Martins (Chair), Manuel Monteiro (Sysadmin), Elsa Silva (Admin)