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Sandy G. Morais
PhD Student

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Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)P. A. C. Cunha, A. Humphrey, J. Brinchmann, S. G. Morais, R. Carvajal, J. M. Gomes, I. Matute, A. Paulino-Afonso, 2024,
Identifying type II quasars at intermediate redshift with few-shot learning photometric classification,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 687, 20
>> Abstract
L. Binette, Y. Krongold, S. A. R. Haro-Corzo, A. Humphrey, S. G. Morais, 2023,
Optimized Spectral Energy Distribution for Seyfert Galaxies,
Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 53, 9
>> Abstract
S. G. Morais, A. Humphrey, M. Villar Martín, L. Binette, M. Silva, 2021,
Electron energy distributions in the extended gas nebulae associated with high-z AGN: Maxwell–Boltzmann versus κ distributions,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, 1389 - 1405
>> Abstract
M. S. Silva, A. Humphrey, P. Lagos, S. G. Morais, 2020,
Carbon-loud SDSS BOSS type II quasars at z > 2: high-density gas or secondary production of carbon?,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495, 4707 - 4746
>> Abstract
M. S. Silva, A. Humphrey, P. Lagos, R. N. Guimarães, T. C. Scott, P. Papaderos, S. G. Morais, 2018,
Detection of large-scale Ly α absorbers at large angles to the radio axis of high-redshift radio galaxies using SOAR,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481, 1401 - 1415
>> Abstract
M. S. Silva, A. Humphrey, P. Lagos, M. Villar Martín, S. G. Morais, S. S. Alighieri, A. Cimatti, R. A. E. Fosbury, R. Overzier, J. Vernet, L. Binette, 2018,
The MUSE 3D view of feedback in a high-metallicity radio galaxy at z=2.9,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474, 3649 - 3672
>> Abstract

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia