List of open opportunities Archive
One Research Fellowship (BI) for a PhD Student

Ref: IA2022-12-BI-D

1 Research Fellowship(s) (BI) is(are) open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, for the project/R&D institution Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Base funding (Ref. UIDB/04434/2020), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the programme Strategic Project, under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Astronomy and Astrophysics

2. Requirements for admission: The applicant must have completed a MSc degree in Astronomy or a related discipline, and be enrolled in the PhD Program of a University in Portugal at the time of the start of the fellowship. Only applications from candidates having an adequate background in Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, or other relevant domains, will be considered. Additionally, candidates must fulfil the following requirements: – Demonstrated skills in programming (in particular using python) – Knowledge of Spectral Fitting tools.

3. Additional optional skills and qualifications: Experience in optical data analysis is considered beneficial for the position and will count positively in the evaluation.

4. Contracting requirements: Presentation of the academic qualifications and/or diplomas. Enrolment in a PhD Program of a University in Portugal at the time of the start of the grant.

5. Work plan: The student will apply advanced spectral fitting tools for the study of the assembly history of galaxies resolved in space and time, in particular contributing to the application of the population spectral synthesis code FADO, a conceptually novel code for the exploration of the star formation history of galaxies. Previous experience in spectral synthesis of extragalactic data is thus required.

6. Legislation framework: Research Fellowship Holder Statute, in accordance with Law 40/2004, of 18 August, in its current version and the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships, in its current version (Reg. 950/2019 published in DR on 16th December: https://dre.pt/application/file/a/127230968, or at the FCT website: https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt), and FCiências.ID Fellowship Regulation, as approved on 12th May 2020 (available at Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Científica da FCiências.ID).

7. Place of work: The work will be developed at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, at the Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal (with frequent trips within the Institute, namely to the facilities in Porto, encouraged) under the scientific supervision of Professor Cirino Pappalardo.

8. Fellowship duration: This position is initially opened for 3 months due to start in June 2022. The fellowship contract may be potentially renewed for up to a maximum of 3 months.

9. Monthly allowance: The fellowship amounts to € 1144,64 ,according to table values of the fellowships awarded directly by the FCT, IP. The fellowship holder will have a personal accident insurance and can ensure the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance scheme, if not covered by any other social protection scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social.
The fellowship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

10. Evaluation and selection process: Candidates will be assessed by the quality of their CV (40%) and Cover letter (10%) and Relevance and adequacy of previous research experience to the work plan (50%).

11. Selection Committee: José Afonso (Chair), Jarle Brinchmann, Polychronis Papaderos, Israel Matute (alternate)

12. Publication/notification of results: All the candidates will be notified by e-mail, sent by the call holder, with the selection meeting minutes enclosed.

13. Deadlines: This call for applications is open from 26/05/22 to 08/06/2022 .

14. Application: Applications should be sent through the form below, by attaching the following documents:

     a. Curriculum vitae - CV may be provided in PDF or through the CIÊNCIAVITAE system;
     b. Certificate of completion of previous degree;
     c. Cover Letter

15. Time limits for the appeal procedure: In case of negative decision, the candidates have 10 business days, after the date of announcement of the results of the candidates evaluation, to pronounce their disagreement in accordance with the Código do Procedimento Administrativo. Appeals against the final decision may be submitted to the Administration Board of FCiências.ID (fciencias.id@fciencias-id.pt) within 15 business days after the notification date.

Note 1: The documents that prove the entitlement of the academic qualifications and diplomas, or the proof of registration in the academic degree or diploma requested on the call, can be dismissed during the application period and replaced by a declaration on their honour from the applicant. Their delivery is mandatory for the fellowship contractualization.

Note 2: Please note that - higher education degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions need to be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, pursuant to the Decree-Law nr. 66/2018 (August 16) and the Ministerial Order nr. 33/2019 (January 25). The presentation of the recognition certificate is mandatory for contract signature. More information can be obtained at: https://www.dges.gov.pt/en/pagina/degree-and-diploma-recognition.

The period for application submission has ended for this opportunity.
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia COMPETE 2020 PORTUGAL 2020 União Europeia