P. P. Avelino, D. Bazeia, L. Losano, J. Menezes, B. F. de Oliveira, M. A. Santos
This work deals with a system of three distinct species that changes in time under the presence of mobility, selection, and reproduction, as in the popular rock-paper-scissors game. The novelty of the current study is the modification of the mobility rule to the case of directional mobility, in which the species move following the direction associated to a larger (averaged) number density of selection targets in the surrounding neighborhood. Directional mobility can be used to simulate eyes that see or a nose that smells, and we show how it may contribute to reduce the probability of coexistence.
Quantitative Biology - Populations and Evolution; Nonlinear Sciences - Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems;
Physical Review E
Volume 97, Number 3
2018 March