David M. Oliveira
Euclid is an ESA Cosmic-Vision wide-field-space mission which is designed to understand the acceleration of the Universe's expansion. The mission relies on two primary cosmological probes: Weak gravitational Lensing (WL) and Galaxy Clustering (in particular Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, BAO). The construction of a Reference Survey derived from the high level science requirements, the definition of a main sequence of observation and the associated calibrations was indeed a major achievement of the Definition Phase. Implementation of this sequence demonstrated the feasibility of covering the requested area in less than 6 years while taking into account the overheads of space segment observing and manoeuvring sequence.
2012 July 18, 13:30
Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (Classroom)
Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto