Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)P. Viana Almeida, J. F. Gameiro, P. P. Petrov, C. Melo, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, S. Alencar, 2017,
Evidence of a substellar companion around a very young T Tauri star,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600, 6
>> AbstractP. Viana Almeida, C. Melo, N. C. Santos, P. Figueira, M. Sterzik, J. F. Gameiro, 2012,
Finding proto-spectroscopic binaries
Precise multi-epoch radial velocities of 7 protostars in ρ Ophiuchus,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 539, A62_1 - A62_10
>> AbstractP. Figueira, M. Marmier, X. Bonfils, E. di Folco, S. Udry, N. C. Santos, C. Lovis, D. Mégevand, C. Melo, F. Pepe et al. (including: P. Viana Almeida), 2010,
Evidence against the young hot-Jupiter around BD+20 1790,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 513, L8_1 - L8_4
>> AbstractP. Viana Almeida, N. C. Santos, C. Melo, M. Ammler-von Eiff, C. A. O. Torres, G. R. Quast, J. F. Gameiro, M. Sterzik, 2009,
Search for associations containing young stars (SACY)
II. Chemical abundances of stars in 11 young Associations in the Solar neighborhood,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 501, 965 - 971
>> Abstract