Lastest publications at IA (or with IA Researchers)F. R. Marleau, R. Habas, M. Poulain, P.-A. Duc, O. Müller, S. Lim, P. R. Durrell, R. Sánchez-Janssen, S. Paudel, S. Lammim Ahad et al. (including: A. Chougule), 2021,
Ultra diffuse galaxies in the MATLAS low-to-moderate density fields,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 654, 32
>> AbstractM. Poulain, F. R. Marleau, R. Habas, P.-A. Duc, R. Sánchez-Janssen, P. R. Durrell, S. Paudel, S. L. Ahad, A. Chougule, O. Müller, 2021,
Structure and morphology of the MATLAS dwarf galaxies and their central nuclei,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, 5494 - 5511
>> Abstract